What’s The Best Exercise To Lose Belly Fat?
What’s the best exercise to lose belly fat? Forget the magic pills and other miracle methods sometimes advocated by magazines. To have a flat stomach, there are two requirements: exercise and eat well! No, don’t leave, we assure you that everything will be fine … We promise you that with a little motivation you will obtain very acceptable results. Follow the guide!
What’s The Best Exercise To Lose Belly Fat?
What sport to lose belly
The stomach, this unloved, stands on the highest step of the podium of the complexes of US including you. However, you respect the recommendations of the PNNS (National Health Nutrition Program), it is nothing to understand. “A little bit of everything and a little bit”, as your mom would say. Yes, thank you, but that’s not all. And then, when you are drastic and the expected results on a small hack are long overdue, there is something to crack easily! Exactly, being drastic will only bring you frustration, especially since there is no miracle recipe for targeting fat loss. So what if you just tested 5 complete, easy-to-use sports so you could exercise and think about something else?
To lose your fat overall, and especially in the stomach area, cardio training is undoubtedly the best solution. You can practice it in different forms: sports walking, running, burpees, skipping rope, swimming, cycling … Whatever your choice, the longer your practice and the more effective your weight loss will be. It is indeed after 45 minutes on average that the body will draw on the deep fat. Hang on, it’s for a good cause!
Whether it’s losing weight or toning up, rope training has many benefits. But how do we get started? How to adjust your skipping rope? Adopt the right posture? what type of training should you choose? We tell you more about it here!
Cross-training is ideal for people who like to discover several practices simultaneously. This training method consists of performing endurance, cardio,and weight lifting exercises, with equipment or at bodyweight. The goal is to work not on a single muscle, but on various muscle chains during a workout.
The sessions are short. It takes you about 30 minutes, which is more than enough to work out effectively. The variety of exercises and the fact of changing them regularly give cross-training a particularly fun aspect: you will not be bored a second. Obviously, it is advisable to start gradually in terms of intensity and load. Start with one to two sessions per week, and, for the more motivated, then go up to three or four workouts.
In the cross-training family, we find in particular the HIIT and the Tabata, whose effectiveness is well established!
Not necessarily! The core, on the other hand, could quickly become your best friend …
We would also easily tend to believe that doing abdominals in mass is the perfect parade to obtain a flat stomach. Bad luck, this is not quite the case: the traditional “crunches” will make you gain volume, which is not particularly the desired goal. Concentrate on the ventral or rib sheathing: these exercises will work your deep abdominals (iliac, psoas, transverse, obliques) and will accentuate the desired “flat stomach” effect.
You have certainly already heard of the famous 10,000 recommended daily steps. Just to be curious if you’ve even installed an application on your smartphone. And there is the drama: you are missing 3,000 steps! How about closing this gap by walking differently? There is no lack of choice:
- Sports walking: To be practiced alone or in a group, sports walking continues to see its number of followers grow. To walk sportily, all you have to do is unroll your foot on the ground, starting with the heel, then move over the sole of your foot, and come and propel yourself by its tip to take a step that will bring you to the next foot. Your arms are active too! It’s very gentle on the joints.
-Nordic walking: For Nordic walking, the waltz of the feet is the same as that of sport walking, except that it is practiced with poles. These allow you to relieve your joints. By pushing on your poles, you propel your body forward. In addition, you work on your coordination and your balance.
- Athletic walking: Athletic walking is the fastest of the three steps and is even an Olympic discipline! In this sport, you must always maintain contact with the ground and the leg that is on the ground must be straight. By rotating the pelvis forward, you manage to propel your leading leg to the ground. Also,use your arms well which makes you gain speed.
So, there is a step that makes you want to, right? And why choose? Either way, you improve your stamina with all three. Guaranteed fat loss!
Cycling helps you strengthen your cardiovascular system and build strength. This activity also relieves your joints because your body is not in direct contact with the ground. If you have a few extra pounds, cycling is a great way to get rid of them.
As in any initiation into a sport, progressivity must be essential. Start with twenty minutes once or twice a week and at a moderate pace,you will gradually increase your practice time and the intensity of your training. It is raining? Opt for the home trainer.
In addition, the bike is easy to incorporate into your daily life. Do you live between five and ten kilometers from your workplace? Get on your bike, you will also spend less time in traffic jams. Moreover, with our Belgian neighbors, regardless of the weather and even with a forty-five-minute journey, it’s a bike for everyone. You see? It’s possible! The beautiful days are coming, you have no more excuses!
Archimedes’ Principle and the resulting flotation (note the pun) make swimming a sport known as “ carried ”. Without impacts, your joints are preserved,and say thank you! The breaststroke, butterfly, backstroke, and front crawl (and even the small dog!) Are all strokes that allow you to work your body muscles differently.
However, we all know what happens when our muscles are solicited: the fat gradually melts to make room for pretty Descoteaux. And, even if your belly doesn’t sport the famous chocolate bar you crave, your abdominal strap is still reinforced. In other words, you muscle your entire body and improve your posture... The beautiful, harmonious silhouette is yours. You will feel at home there!
What’s The Best Exercise To Lose Belly Fat? by Jack Michael