Finally, Get Rid Of The Stubborn Belly Fat Female
Concern about the stubborn belly fat female? Belly fat is a problem area that almost all women complain about: Despite exercise and diet, the annoying belly bacon holds up well and spoils our anticipation for the upcoming beach season. These five W-questions don’t make it go away, but at least give us an explanation and a few possible solutions!
1. Why does fat settle particularly easily on the lower abdomen?
There are two reasons for this: On the one hand, the lower abdominal muscles are straight and no longer divided into six-packs, which means that the lower abdomen naturally looks thicker. Furthermore, the body prefers to store its fat down the waist — the lower abdomen, buttocks, and thighs are particularly at risk.
2. Why doesn’t belly fat melt away despite exercising?
Despite daily struggling in the gym, is your belly fat persistent? Unfortunately, you can actually jog as much as you want — exercises that work deeper abdominal muscles are more effective. The deep muscles are trained especially in yoga and pilates.
3. How can diet help against stubborn belly fat?
In combination with exercise, a low-calorie diet is a key to success. But without enough healthy fats on the menu, you won’t get rid of your belly fat anytime soon. The trick of consuming apple cider vinegar every day is also effective!
4. What methods are there to treat belly fat?
If you have the change, you can undergo treatment with special radio frequencies. The devices melt fat cells and tighten the skin. Usually, four to six sessions are required, which comes to around 800 euros.
5. What is the reason that women in particular suffer from belly fat?
Anyone can get fat. But for women, it is mainly hormones that play a role: Estrogen causes fat to be stored primarily on the stomach and bottom.
Get Rid Of The Stubborn Belly Fat Female
With simple tricks to a flat stomach — this is how it works!
Okay, we’ll admit it — exercise is the key to a flat, toned stomach. But for all those who don’t like sports: There are other ways that take the right direction and bring the fat burning in the abdominal area into full swing.
With these 5 small changes in your diet, you will banish annoying belly fat
1. A spoonful of oil for breakfast
But not just any — because studies have shown that a spoonful of MCT oil (medium-chain triglycerides) in particular in the morning smoothie not only gets the metabolism going but is also immediately converted into energy instead of fat. These are saturated fatty acids, which are mainly found in tropical vegetable oils (e.g. coconut oil ), and also ensure that vital substances from fruits and vegetables are better absorbed by the body.
2. Combat annoying body fat with healthy fats
Eat fat when you want to lose weight? That may sound like a paradox, but it isn’t. On the contrary: in order to function properly and to lose weight, the body needs proteins and healthy fats (from avocados, sweet potatoes, nuts, or salmon, for example). If he doesn’t get it, he breaks down muscles instead of fat deposits.
3. Feast on superfood sauerkraut
Sauerkraut helps you lose weight! Because the probiotic food brings the intestinal flora back on its toes and ensures a lively metabolism. The result: weight loss. Oh yes: it hardly contains any calories.
4. Fully for whole grain products!
Carbohydrates are poison for weight loss? Wrong thought! Because whole grains such as quinoa, brown rice, or barley melt belly fat and also prevent food cravings.
5. Cheers — drink apple cider vinegar!
We already knew that apple cider vinegar is a miracle cure for hair. But it should also be an insider tip against belly fat! The home remedy cleanses up the intestinal flora, kills harmful viruses and bacteria, and levels the body’s pH value again. It also helps to bind and remove fattening food in the intestine.
Our recipe tip: Stir a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar into a glass of water and season with a little cinnamon and stevia.
Finally, Get Rid Of The Stubborn Belly Fat Female by Jack Michael