Cardio Exercises To Lose Belly Fat at Home?

Jack Michael
6 min readDec 17, 2020
cardio exercises to lose belly fat at home image

Looking for cardio exercises to lose belly fat at home? Cardio training (short for cardiovascular) increases heart rate, a physiological mechanism that allows you to provide more oxygen to the body, essential for the well-being of the heart and lungs.

Performing regular cardio activity allows you to reduce fat, shape the body, and improve the state of health and general well-being.

Cardio Exercises To Lose Belly Fat at Home?

How to do cardio training at home

Cardio training is not only practiced outdoors or with fitness machines, it is also possible to do all this at home.

The body is a perfect machine for carrying out cardio-fitness exercises, useful for losing weight and shaping the silhouette day after day.

To get started you only need tennis shoes, comfortable clothing (even pajamas are perfect), a fitness mat or any carpet, 1 bottle of water, a towel, a stopwatch (you can use the one on your smartphone or download apps specific to time your workout) and if you have a smartwatch to check your heart rate and calories burned.

How to burn excess fat with cardio exercises at home?

To obtain the expected benefits, the parameters to be considered are 3.

Time: the training must be done for a duration ranging from a minimum of 30 to a maximum of 80 minutes (warm-up, the central part, and stretching). The exercises should be practiced 3 to 5 times a week.

Intensity: must be constant and prolonged. Only recovery breaks are allowed. It is recommended to respect the intervals of the workout and the number of laps to be repeated.

Heart rate: to increase the caloric expenditure useful for burning fat, training must have a moderate cardio-respiratory effort. To achieve this, the heart must be brought to 60–75% of the maximum heart rate. Once you have calculated the heart rate range (220-age: 100X70) to understand how to stay within the fat-burning parameters, if you don’t have a smartwatch, listen to your breath. If you slow down while exercising, you have exceeded the required heart rate threshold.

How many calories do you burn?

During physical activity, the body uses glycogen and fatty acid reserves as an energy source. If these organic substances are not disposed of, they accumulate in the form of fat and create blemishes and swelling.

With cardio exercises, it is possible to keep metabolic processes in balance, burn calories, and dispose of localized fat.

In 30 minutes of cardio exercises at home, you can burn 150 to 200 calories, in 60 minutes from 250 to 350 calories. This parameter can vary depending on the bodyweight of the subject and the intensity engaged during the training session.

The cardio lesson at home includes 3 phases like all fitness activities:


It is the initial moment of each lesson, it serves to gradually activate the physiological functions at the cardiovascular and articular level that allow us to face more intense workloads. It can be done with dynamic stretching exercises and slow, low-impact movements. The duration ranges from 5 to 10 minutes.

The central moment of the lesson

In this phase, the goal is to reach the maximum intensity and training capacity through the correct execution of the exercise. The duration of this phase varies from 20 to 60 minutes.

Cooling down and Stretching

This phase has the purpose of lowering the heart rate and lengthening and decreasing the muscle-tendon and joint tensions of the muscle groups involved in the exercises. The duration of this phase varies from 5 to 15 minutes.

Here are the 10 Cardio Exercises to Work Out at Home

Program structure:

Beginners: Repeat each exercise 8 times and rest 20 seconds between each exercise. Make 3 laps.

Intermediate: Repeat each exercise for 30 seconds and rest 10 seconds. Make 3 to 4 laps.

Advanced. Repeat each exercise for 40 to 50 seconds and rest for 10 to 15 seconds. Make 3 to 4 laps.

Jumping Jacks ninja

Put your arms at your sides and start with your legs together. Slightly bend your knees. Jump and spread the two legs as you raise your arms above your head. Go back to the starting position and jump up and touch your knees with your hands, repeat the sequence.

Jump squat

Bring your feet shoulder-width apart. Bend your knees, stay with your back straight, your arms forward, and do a squat. Quickly bring your arms to your sides and perform a jump. Return to squat and repeat.

Plank Jacks

Get in a straight line from head to toe with your hands under your shoulders. Jump and open and close your legs. Open your legs shoulder-width apart when opening and then bring your feet together when closing. Repeat the jumps.

Jump lunge

Start by bringing one leg forward and one back in a lunge by bending both knees at 90-degree angles. Place your arms forward, keep your back straight and point the foot of the leg behind. Simultaneously change the position of the legs by jumping and landing with both legs still lunging. Repeat alternating legs.

Walk back and forth with the hands with alternating leg raises

Bring yourself to the plank position, assume a straight line from head to toe with your hands under your shoulders. Walk slowly with your hands and bring yourself towards your toes, bring your heels to the floor and bend your knees slightly. Again place your hands on the floor and slowly move forward and back to plank position, lift first your right leg and then your left. Repeat from the beginning.

Mountain climbers

Bring yourself to the plank position, assume a straight line from head to toe with your hands under your shoulders. Stay with your back straight. Lift your toe and bring your right knee towards your chest, quickly pull your right away and bring your left forward. Continue alternating legs.

Abdominal leg beat parallel to the floor

Lie with your back to the floor and place your hands on the sides of your hips. Lift your legs off the floor and your head as well, bring your chin towards your chest. Stand with your legs straight and parallel to the floor and perform alternating tapping motions.


Bring your feet shoulder-width apart, squat down, and put your hands on the floor. Brace yourself with your arms and with synergy make a jump and extend your legs until they assume the position of the board. Do a push-up, return to squat, and take a high jump by bringing your arms back towards your hips. Repeat.

Spiderman pushups

Take the plank position, bring your hands slightly more open than your shoulders. Do a push-up on the arms and bring the right knee towards the right elbow, return to the starting position, repeat the push-up on the arms, and bring the left knee to the left elbow. Repeat the push-up and alternate legs.

Plank jumps back and forth and sideways with legs together

Bring yourself to the plank position, assume a straight line from head to toe with your hands under your shoulders. Stay with your back straight and your knees slightly bent. Jump forward and bring your knees towards your chest. Return to the starting position, stay with your knees a little bent and jump to the right and one to the left. Return to center and repeat.

Useful tips

If you have never practiced fitness activities or have not exercised in a while, do the exercises with moderate intensity, and instead of jumps, take steps and movements with reduced impact with the ground.

If at first, he fails to perform the exercises with the seconds, do as many repetitions as you can. With practice, you will improve your level of training.

If you have health problems, ask your doctor for advice before starting this training program.

Cardio Exercises To Lose Belly Fat at Home? by Jack Michael



Jack Michael

Keeping your body healthy is an expression of gratitude to the whole cosmos – the trees, the clouds, everything.